Evan Xu

Full Stack developer based in the San Francisco Bay Area

Also a tech lover who has a passion for simplicity, minimalism, and functionality.

#KeepOnHacking #Code

Technology and computers have been in my life since I was a kid, and I have always loved trying to figure out how things work.
One day, I found a blog that introduced WordPress. Without any knowledge of coding, I followed the tutorial, edited some PHP codes, and got my very first blog running on my own VPS. I found myself excited about coding and started learning bit by bit since then.
I have a passion for learning and sharing my knowledge with others. I simply love to explore, discover and invent solutions!

#React #Redux #MongoDB #NodeJS
#JWT #JavaScript #HTML #CSS
Words Explorer is a word game for elementary Grades 3 - 5 kids to build up their vocabulary. They can create game using words they learned to create game or play with friends with existing game created by others.
#React #Redux #SASS #JavaScript #HTML #CSS
Story Line is a photo journal app for users to record special moments along their life journey.
This is the front end user interface built in ReactJS.
#NodeJS #MongoDB #jQuery #JavaScript #HTML #CSS #JWT
This is a simple invoicing app for SMB owner like ebayer or Amazon seller who need simple system to create invoice without spending a lot of money and effort to deal with quickbook.
#HTML #CSS #JavaScript #jQuery
Cooking recipes with video instruction and calories reference.
#Career #Opportunity

I am looking for new exciting opportunites.
Take a look of my projects and contact me.